civic center


civic center 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a building complex housing a theater or theaters for the performing arts and sometimes exhibition halls, a museum, etc., and usually constructed or maintained by municipal funds.
  2. a building or building complex containing a municipality's administrative offices, various departmental headquarters, courts, etc., and sometimes an auditorium, libraries, or other community or cultural facilities.
  3. a theater, meeting hall, or the like for community or public use.

civic center 近义词

civic center

等同于 community center

civic center 的近义词 2

更多civic center例句

  1. Instead, straighten your civic backbone and push back in clear conscience.
  2. Note: UNICOR uses its inmates for everything from call center operators to human demolishers of old computers.
  3. It is the only tourist center Ukraine has left on the Black Sea, since Russia annexed Crimea last spring.
  4. The resources were what you might expect: Dining room, a media center, a library, a TV room, a meeting room, a computer room.
  5. So not only will the GOP have control in the Senate, it will move the center of gravity on Capitol Hill hard to starboard.
  6. The controlling center of consciousness is the extreme limit of the nares anteri.
  7. In the center of the river line stood the imposing red sandstone palace of Bahadur Shah, last of the Moguls.
  8. The artillery and 81st were on the right of the line, the native infantry in the center, and the sowars on the left.
  9. But those I speak of, the best women of every small town, are constantly active in civic affairs.
  10. Touch the center of a cover-glass to the top of the drop and quickly place it, blood side down, upon a slide.